Monday, September 29, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

Yesterday morning we biked to Spring Bayou and walked around the basin. It was a beautifully cool morning and it seemed like half of Tarpon Springs was out biking or walking and the other half were having coffee and reading the paper on their front porches!

We did a bit of needed lawn work and I vegged the rest of the day while E watched marathon football. Rob did not get over as he had plans with several of his pals. He'll be over for supper tomorrow night so we can go over some things with him about the cats and the lawn during his house/cat sitting.

My dad is back in the hospital. This chemo is just playing havoc with his system but he has been told that some people react to it this way. He has thrush and has become dehydrated again. He also has pneumonia again so he'll probably be in the hospital when we get to town to visit with him. Good thoughts would be appreciated.

I got absolutely nothing done on my To Do list. I took a book instead and read out in back enjoying the mild weather. If the list does not get done, it will still be here when I get back. I'm done with stressing out over it and trying to hurry through things to get them done.

And the good news is that I am back into my favorite pair of jeans and am a happy camper.

Off to do a whole lot of nothing which seems to be what I do best lately. Love to all


altar ego said...

Funny, I'm pretty good at doing nothing too! Some days just require that expertise, I think. Glad you took some time to read, and you're right, the list will be there whenever you get to it.

owensmith said...

Just wanted to wish you the best on your trip, I know you and E will have a great time. Wish I were headed in that direction, just a little further north. Hope to see you at Creepover. Lov ya, Susie

owensmith said...

Just wanted to wish you the best on your trip, I know you and E will have a great time. Wish I were headed in that direction, just a little further north. Hope to see you at Creepover. Lov ya, Susie