Saturday, June 05, 2010

Second Grade fun day

E and I, while we taught, got up every morning between 5 and 5:30 AM. We would shower, dress for work, have our coffee and breakfast and read the paper. It has taken us til just a year or so ago to sleep until 6 or later. Old habits die hard. Somehow my internal clock has been reset and I have been waking up at 3:30am almost every morning for the past couple of months. Most of the time, I either get up and play in my work room or I turn on the bedroom light (nothing wakes E) and read. As long as I am awake, today I'll just get an early start on the day.

Yesterday was the second grade fun day. Three of the second grades at the school where my daughter teaches hiked to a near by park, had picnic lunches and played. I am not sure how elementary schools work where you live but the kids in her school do not get recess during the day. This use to be most of our favorite time of the day and I can remember getting a morning one and an afternoon recess clear up to 4th. grade.

The kids had a blast. The park had a cool playground, dad's and mom's tossed balls with the kids, and I even saw some of both doing Double Dutch jump rope, something I could never master. The park was shaded and there was a nice breeze and I believe a good time was had by all.

And here is the latest photo of Little Mama who looks like she is ready to have those twin boys any moment.

We are meeting friends in Palm Harbor early evening today for the Parrot head festival. We missed this last year and every one says it is such fun. I think pool time is on the agenda for this afternoon and perhaps even a nap...I am turning into such an afternoon nap gal but mostly doze on the lanai over a book. E calls these cat naps and they are nice and so necessary when one starts the day at 3:30 am. Off to read myself back to sleep, I hope.

Hope you have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Naps are good! If I was up at 3:30 - I'd take one every day. Little mama looks so wishes to her for the big day.

Janet M said...

It's not much longer for her and she looks really good. It's got to be getting really exciting.