Saturday, May 19, 2012

It was Nana/Papa Play Day on Friday

And, after we gave the little guys watermelon for the snack after their naps, we wiped their hands and faces with warm wash cloths...they took those and went to town.  There was little left on the lanai that was not spiffy clean when they got done.  But, my favorite was the "Working at the Car Wash" photos I captured when they went to work on their Cozy Car!

Both boys love to be read to and follow along quite well.  We try to ask them questions as we read to them and point out colors, numbers etc.  Here is Papa and his Littel Buddy, Colvin discussing the finer points of what is alike and what is different.
And then, right when Kristen got home there was the episode of the 'Nake.  Long ago and far away, our favorite and only son in law had some wisdom teeth removed.  He recuperated at our house until Kristen could pick him up.  Knee deep into his misery aided by bags of frozen peas, he yelled to me..."Juli (keep in mind his mouth is numb and filled with cotton packing)! Nake Nake...!
We had a snake on the deck.  Fast forward to yesterday....

I was sitting on the kids' lanai with the boys and little Miss L in my arms.  Kristen walks out to us and I hand her the baby.  She says to me, "Mom, get in the house NOW".  Without even looking around I knew what was lurking in the shadows of the lanai and you can bet it was not the Shadow.  It was a black snake.  I believe I set land speed records for scooping up Landon (Colvin had already moved into the house) and getting off the lanai.  The MIGHTY SNAKE HUNTER (aka Papa) to the rescue.  He dispatched said 'Nake with his size 14 shoes and all the strength of a Papa Super Hero and saved us!  Other than that, it was a grand day with the Grands.


Janet M said...

To darn cute- love the car wash pictures.

LyndaKay said...

Such a funny description of the 'nake.

Elizabeth Swell said...

very outstanding blog and have a good information..........