Thursday, August 16, 2012

Terrific Thursday in Paradise

 Once again we got the boys to school on time and picked them up with minutes to spare.  Once we got home to their house, they entertained us with driving lessons, basket ball hoop repair,
 funny face making,
 and golf tips.
 They showed us their new shoes for school,
 how to get a good case of the giggles,
 and how to play nice with one's brother.
 At 5:30pm, I drove up to where the little guys are taking swim lessons.  These people at SEALS Swim School know their stuff.  The boys have only had 5 half hour lessons so far and this very qualified little gal has them floating on their back, kicking, holding their breath, swimming for the side and blowing lots of bubbles.

 It doesn't hurt that their instructor is a cute gal...the boys are suckers for cute ones.
 And, while her brothers were learning survival skills in the pool, Leighton was perfecting her flirting and her aerials

E and I have been talking about how much we are enjoying this new schedule with the Grands.  We get one on one time with Leighton on Wed. (well, at least til Nov.) and then after school time with the little guys Thurs and Fridays.  Life is good.

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