Wednesday, December 05, 2012

If it is Wed., it must be Nana/Papa Limo day

We had a great time with the kids today.  They all woke up happy and stayed that way til we left them after school when their Mama got home.  The first few are from this morning after breakfast and before we leave to take them to school.

 Am I just biased or does my granddaughter not have the most beautiful eyes?
 Landon, showing us how he helps his Mama garden.

 Colvin with his plastic screwdriver 'fixing' one of the lanai chairs.
 Look Ma! No hands.  Leighton still crawls some when she wants to get somewhere super fast but she is mostly walking now.
And in only fifteen years, she'll be behind the wheel of a real car...scary! lol

The Women Who Do Lunch Bunch (after today also known as the Tough Old Birds)had our lunch out at Marathon Grill.  We are so predictable...4 chicken feta burgers hold the buns and 1 tropical salad.  Then we fast stepped through Mike's so Diane could hunt for some tee shirt decals where I found these snowmen hats for the boys who are truly my grandsons and almost as obsessed with snowmen as their old Nana.  They surprised Papa with them when we picked him up after the kids got out of school.

Had to make sure the hats would fit you know!

 And here is the gang waiting for Papa to see them in their hats.
Hope your holidays are merry and bright!

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