Thursday, July 06, 2006

A lesson from my hydrengea

This poor plant. We have dug it up 3 times and transplanted it; we have neglected it and have even chopped it down to almost ground level and it refuses to give in. It comes back over and over and over and blooms when it is least expected to with the blossoms getting bigger and the color more lovely each time.
It was originally given to me as a gift from someone who knew how lovely I think these are. It resided happily on the front porch near the fountain for quite some time and then went dormant. I'm not sure how I convinced E to plant it and give it another chance, but I did and was rewarded with a resurgence of flowers almost immediately. When we redid the back of the house, poor thing was moved again and again until its final resting place near a stepping stone.
When we were out working on the yard a day or two ago I stepped on the poor thing by accident. You could almost hear it cry just a bit and today, it is starting to bloom again. I would love to take this with me when we move but I just can bear to move it again away from its new friends the ferns.
I think I have learned or at least been reminded that, depite adversity and even neglect, we should continue to do our best to bloom. A bit trite I guess but I believe this to be true. Posted by Picasa


Tami Jones-Shumate said...

WEll isnt that so true? I think we shall all take a lesson from your Flowers!
It is beautiful by the way..

Pam in Moncton said...

That is a beautiful plant and a good lesson it is teaching. Hydrangeas are marvellously hardy and I think they kind of like being cut back anyway.

eljay716 said...

wow beautiful and never realized they were so hearty. Maybe they will grow here.

altar ego said...

I'm so glad for this news about the hydrangea, since I've got one planted here at our new house, and visit it daily with a hearty dose of water. I have always loved them, and they remind me so much of New England that I had to have that little touch of home here in the mid-south. I'm thinking you should reconsider about moving it with you. Seems to me it has earned a place in your life!

crazydarla said...

Oh my what an inspirational message. So true, so true. We give in much too easliy sometimes, don't we?

Loves, Darla

:Jayne said...

Your Hydrangea is gorgeous. Love the story. I hope mine do as well, I planted two this year.
