Monday, February 19, 2007

Not much new here

...except that we are signing a contract to sell our house in about one hour.

Will post pics from our adventures with our friends, Chuck and Linda (Edison Light Parade, Lighthouses on Boca Grande, etc etc.) in a bit. Have a great one.


Denita said...

OMG . . . I am so.............excited now!!! I didn't think you were ever going to get up our way. Just the news I needed tonight to make my day.
Congrats my dear.
Love ya, Dee

madelineas said...

Hurray for you Jules. I missed you today so thought I would check here to see what was going on. I am so happy for you.

:Jayne said...

I'm doing a happy jiggling dance since I can finally uncross all these crossed body parts!!


eljay716 said...

yippeee!! can't wait!!

Pam in Moncton said...

Wow! Exciting! Finally! Good news and I just read about it on Kip's blog so I had to come here and congratulate you. Now you will be looking for a new place and that's always fun.