Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome 2008

New Year's Eve was a great one. Our friends, Kip and Jerry didn't make it over from Titusville because they had the flu (hope you all are better, pals)but Kristen and Chris and their friend, Lisa, came over to help us celebrate. We started the day with a nice long bike ride while E shopped for goodies for our evening. We toured a condo that Steve and DeeDee liked a lot and one that turned out to be even a bit beyond their means! lol

DeeDee and I went shopping for a bit and then we all went to lunch at Tarpon Turtle.
Dee Dee wanted a picture for her office of her and Steve sans something alcoholic in their hands so I did my best. The dessert pictured was E's consolation prize for the Turtle running out of beer battered fries...pretty, isn't it and the key lime pie tasted as good as it looked.

We went by Snookers for a toddy and so the our pals could see the gators and then home. E cooked the most amazing seafood/chicken/sausage bake. We covered the table with newspaper and paper bags and everyone helped themselves

The guys had decided to start a new tradition for New Year's and went from the hot tub (102 degrees) to the pool (about 74degrees)...glad I got the pic before they turned blue!

Happiest of New Year's to you all!

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