Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Get Lost Wilma!

We are watching the news like addicts and trying to second guess the storm. The newscasters tell us to batten down the hatches, or something like that; friends are urging us to come stay with them and we are still waiting on the shutter guy to deliver and install the last of our storm shutters.

We have tons of water, lots of batteries and canned foods. With our cats, the Boys, we can't evac to just anywhere and I refuse to leave without them. Hopefully this one will pass like Charley before it and just 'bitch slap' us a bit instead of cold conking us!

This game of 'wait and see' is more nerve wracking than anything, I think, especially for an impatient person such as myself. Back to the news...meanwhile my honey, emeril, is cooking up the more costly meats in the freezer and my tummy is loving this....

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