Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Fun day on Anna Maria Island

I never know how the pic
are going to load on my blog
so it is generally a crap shoot.
This is Janet and I at lunch.
We all ate at a cute (but very
warm) place right on the water.
The food was excellent. We
amused ourselves waiting for
our lunch by playing that famous
guessing game, "Are those
real on that chick?"

One of these pics is of the four of us: Kath, Kip, Janet and I. Kip is posting one on her blog that has her very funny friend, Barb, in the line up. We are pretty sure Barb wants to learn to scrap as she said she has begged Kip to teach her but to no avail. We'll teach you Barb and share all our toys nicely.

The other pic is obviously of something very frozen raspberry margarita!

It poured on me all the way home and sometimes the traffic slowed to about 40mph...I was so proud of myself for not pulling over and I was only about ten minute late picking e up from work!

Good time was had by all, as usual and Janet's house is unreal. I know she will have a great deal of difficulty in parting with one lamp in particular...sure wish I had gotten a pic of the fur rimmed prize!


Kip said...

Who took that adorable pic of you and Janet???????

Ruth.E said...

That drink looks positively wonderful. I think Iwant one, did it come with a teeny brolly? How wonderful to be spending time with Janet and Kip drinking froffy drinks and laughing your heads off!

Mae said...

Is that ALL you girls do--have fun, fun, fun? WOW!!---that Margarita looks like it could quench anyone's thirst. Maybe it helped you o stay calm on that rainy drive home!LOL!!!
