Sunday, September 10, 2006

Small World After All

One of our favorite restaurants on Ft. Myers Beach is Smoking Oyster Bar Brewery or, SOB. E use to have the kiosk for the Chamber Of Commerce right next door to it when he worked down on the beach. He would swap recipes with the chef, wave to the meter maid and knew all the waitresses by name.
On the day of the air and boat show, we ended up cooling our throats at SOB and getting an order of their famous Beach Bread before we went home. On most afternoons and evenings during season, there is live entertainments too. This guy started singing and then chatting up the patrons.
Not only was he from St. Louis, but he graduated from the same high school as my daughter, just a few years before her. Now Pattonville High School is not a large one and is located in an odd area of St. what are the chances? Small world in the grand scheme of things! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

Wow, it really can be a small world, huh?