I am wondering if this tree of ours knows this is its last Christmas? When we put it up this year, there were a few lights out with one small section near the top and another just below the middle. Because there are close to 900 lights on the tree, with strategic arranging, the loss was not too noticable. However, yesterday evening we noticed that there were only a few lit on the top and more missing around the middle. These are blackened so it is not even a lose connection.
We will be weaving some strands of lights and jury rigging a temporary fix for the tree but, then it will be Hasta Luego Baby! And to think we even bought the tree new ribbon this year....such lack of gratitude! lol
The newspaper Living section is coming out to our neighbors today. Ed drives a converted mail truck (he use to work for the postal services) and it is all deco'ed up for the holidays. He and Deb spend lots of time getting his truck ready for the holidays every year. He thinks the newpaper is more interested in the signs which cover his van protesting the illegal aliens who do much of the menial labor in our state. This will be interesting to read about. Deb insisted that the reporter come look at our decorated houses too...we joke each year that we are in a compeitition but compared to some of the houses in this area, we are small potatoes. (to my children: see! We are not the Griswalds after all)!
Have a great last few days before Christmas...try to find some time to sit, play a few cds of seasonal music, look at the lights on your tree and have a glass of wine on me (or, at least with me)!
Sometimes it's just time to get a new tree! It still looks lovely though. Thanks for your card. I got it yesterday (this is Thursday). Should be fun to see what the newspaper does on your neighbours. We have a taxi driver here who has dressed as Santa for the last 20 years during part of December. He has brought people a lot of joy over the years. The city just gave him a (second) taxi license with the name of Santa Claus and picture of him as Santa!
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