Monday, March 05, 2007

House Hunting Day One

Spent yesterday in transit from Orlando to Palm Harbor. Barb, Gerry-Anne and I met up with Kip at Rubon Rouge and then had lunch at an Italian place nearby. Then who walks in but our Vermont pal, Gail and her cutie of a husband, David. They head back today from their Florida vacation.

You would think after having access to all sorts of vendors at the Expo, we'd have been shopped out, but oh-no! NEVER...I picked up some fun papers and Gerry-Anne, Barb and Kip found the cutest aprons by Karen Foster for keeping all their scrap tools close at hand.

Did some promo work at the Expo for Hang Ten. We are teaching with the Big Dogs at the Scrapbook Expo in Tampa June 7-9th. Since I turn 60 on June 9th., I am hoping all my Tampa area pals will come visit Hang Ten at the Expo and help me celebrate!

Speaking of Hang Ten Paper Arts Kits (that was a sly one, now wasn't, if you have not seen the kit for March, you need to march your little ol' self right on over to Hilltop Memories ( and take a look at the amazing project, Di (who is a wonderful addition to the Hang Ten team) has designed for March. WOW...that is all I can say. New release Scarlet papers (which is the name of the kit, btw), cute Maya Road container and goodies galore! Run, do not walk. These will be gobbled up so fast!

The realtor picks us up at ten today and then we are off and running. E seems fairly confident we will find something within these two days and having a home to move into when we close on ours at the end of April sure beats the alternative.

Gentle Readers, I will keep you posted on our this space!

1 comment:

Michele L from Tampa said...

Fingers crossed! Have fun today! Love the apron, saw it when I was at RR on Sat, It is great for teachers or standers - not so sure about sitting?