Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy Thankmas

Our Thankmas was a nice one. My sister, Janet, and her boyfriend, Dennis got here around 2pm and we had some snacks to tide us over until the rest of the meal was ready. The kids had arrived around 1pm. Gene had smoked a turkey (his first smoked one ever) and baked a ham for sandwiches and made his great potato salad too. We were so stuffed that we saved the key lime pie for our mid morning snack today. This morning we took Dennis and Janet on our Buck and a Quarter Special Tour of Tarpon Springs and finally found Sunset Park which we had never been able to locate before. Lovely little park where on the first Thurs. of the month during warmer months, there is a live music concert of various types, big band, jazz etc. from what we have been told. We will be attending these once they start up again.

Our friend, Anne, arrives Thursday afternoon and I can't wait. I have not gotten to give her a big hug since her wedding when Janet M and I met and roomed together last year. On Friday, she and I will be picking up Kip and heading to Janet M's beach house on Anna Maria Island for a girls' weekend. I'll be sure to take Minnie so Kip and I can post bunches of pictures.

A cold front is suppose to be moving through tonight and our high is suppose to be only 68 tomorrow. This caused me lots of concern because we finally found out what has had our cats a bit upset for the past couple of days and nights....a tiny baby kitty took up residence in our backyard. Goofy would call to the baby and it would cry back. I know Goof wanted a new little brother but two cats are about all we can handle especially after both of their recent vet bills. We had a heck of a time catching the little fella as he was very skittish and would slip through the fence back into the woods when ever we would approach him. We finally lured him into the cat carrier with a paper plate of half can of cat food which he devoured. We took him to a no-kill pet sanctuary not too far from here where he will have lots of company and be safe and warm.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the Santa in the pool area! Too Cute! After a month in California I'm home again, reading blogs and getting ready for the holidays! I had Thanksgiving in CA at my mom's house. Bill, Mary, Dayna and her friend had Thanksgiving without me! The nerve! Have a wonderful holiday!!!