Monday, December 17, 2007

It is official...I have a cold!

After all the girls left yesterday morning and I got E off to Kristen's for their marathon cookie bake, I cleaned up some, started laundry, laid down on the couch and slept off an on for the next 6 hours. It is official...I have a cold. I am achey and have a stuffed head and a headache to boot. Maybe it was our Christmas walk around the block or more than likely, I had just let myself get worm down. Whatever the reason, this comes at the wrong season so will be taking it easy for a couple of days until I feel better.

The pics are of Just Jack after his return from the brink. Once we got him home from the vet's, he is a milder kinder more appreciative cat who still loves his daddy best. He has taken to spending about half the night with us which he would never do unless it was really cold (we call these colder nights Two Cat Nights). He doesn't hiss at his brother any more and we actually found them sleeping side by side...something they have not done in years. His fanny is finally starting to get some fuzz on it and, before long, he can resume his tail over his head John Wayne swagger around the house. I love the pic of Jack on the head of our Tiki god of beer that Kim and Jerry gave us for a house warming gift last July.

I think this pic of he and the Kipster is so cute and got one of her and the Goof as well when she was over for the First Annual Stocking Exchange.

Hope you all are feeling better than I do...and those of you in the frozen tundra of the north...stay safe and warm.


Mae said...

I woke up at 5 am with the aches and pain in all of my sinus cavities with all of that crud in my head. My first thought was "Not now! I have presents to wrap". Mother Nature must not watch the calendar very closely. Hope you get better soon!


crazydarla said...

Me too me too. At least we call all comiserate together? LOL Hope you feel better soon (and me too!)

Pam in Moncton said...

Good to see Jack looking good and being healthy and friendly. But JULES...I hope YOU feel better really soon. Take it easy. There isn't anything you really HAVE to do you know!

Kip said...

Sorry you're sick girlfriend...join the club and it's not a fun club!

Tya said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Jules! {Hugs} to you and sending healthy thoughts your way. ;)