Thursday, March 06, 2008 is Survivor night.

I haven't been able to get into American Idol, Big Brother, or any other of the marathon reality shows this season. But, I never ever miss Survivor...ok, I missed one episode when we were traveling back from CHA but caught up quick. Would I make a good Survivor candidate...hell, no! First of all, I hate snakes and every episode they show one of the those creepy crawlers slithering over a branch, poking out its icky tongue. YUCK. Another reason I would not make a good Survivor is that I can't go without food very long or I turn into a raving maniac. I eat at least 5 times a day to get a balance in myself. Long experience has proven to me that this is how I function best. Has something to do with blood sugar, I've been told. And a third reason I'd be a total failure is that I really don't like to be dirty and the thought of not being able to brush my teeth and shave my legs, etc. would drive me right up the wall. Now who can concentrate on out playing, out lasting and being the Survivor when she is worried about bad breath? lol

More yard work on the agenda today. Our friend, Jill G, sent us two wonderful jasmine bushes which arrived yesterday. One is a night blooming jasmine and the garden man who deivered these advised us that it would be great outside our bedroom window. The other is a star jasmine and is starting to bloom. We are putting this one in a big pot on rollers and placing it right near the hot tub...can you imagine how divine that is going to be? Thanks Jill! We had jasmine at three of the corners of our house in Ft. Myers and I was missing the lovely aroma here.

We went up to Home Depot to get potting soil for the new plants and the store had just gotten a new delivery of roses since yesterday. We bought a beautiful red one called Mr. Lincoln and a lovely fuscia colored rose that opens almost like a calla lily. Will take pics when we (ha...E) gets these in the ground.

Other than that news, it is just another beautiful day in Paradise!


:Jayne said...

Oh yes a bedroom window is best for night blooming jasmine. We can smell our all the way over to the neighbors. Which is quite a ways. My Carolina Jasmine is blooming right now. I need to get pictures!
Jill is such a sweetie!

Mary B said...

Oh, how sweet! That was so nice of her. Jill needs a blog, like the rest of us, you should tell her that. LOL!