Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Off to scrap with the second graders

Today is my dd's last day with her students. She has two teacher work days after this one and then she is a 'free' woman for the summer and can see more of her hubby who is currently working the night shift at his job.

We started very simple "My Second Grade Scrapbooks" with her 16 second graders one day last week for two hours. I had preprinted the title for the cover and several headings of events that she had pictures of each of them for. I had also precut mats for the titles and journal blocks for the writing. For some reason, gluing down the pictures seemed to be the thing they loved doing the most. To encourage them to write a bit about each of the events so they would remember years from now, we made them show us their journaling before they were allowed to glue! The back cover of the little 10x10 albums will read "Autographs" and they can exchange these after lunch if they finish the album before. That should keep them busy this last half day and should leave both my dd and I completely exhausted...lol. I came home the last time and took a long siesta!

I do have to stop in Dunedin on my way home from her school and pick up the drawer pulls for the bottle class (pictures here) I am teaching at the Hilltop Memories Birthday crop the 27-29th of this month. (www.hilltopmemories.com). This is going to be another great crop. Linda does it so well...great food, fun accomodations, and just wonderful women scrapping the day away. Can't wait! I only have 7 sets of the bottles so won't be able to have more than that many in class. Linda will post the classes on her site later.

Have a great day!


Mae said...

Jules, your bottles are beautiful. I would go to that crop just to take your class. That is, if I didn't live in KY!

WOW!! Is there any art you haven't done? What talent.

Kip said...

I want to take the class!!

Roz said...

jules...sign me up!!!!!!!!!