Friday, October 03, 2008

It does come around

Today has been one of meeting old friends in unexpected places. Gene, Steve and I had our lunch at the Little Winery in Old Town St. Charles. I saw a profile and looked was our oh so good neighbor from Autumn Lakes where I live for 14years. I bought the condo for the kids and I after my divorce was finally (only took 2.5 years)final. It was Tim and Judy who lived next door for eons..and were wonderful neighbors. How amazing that Judy would pick that one day to take off from work and that she and Tim would pick that place to have lunch.

Then, it only got better as we meet up with friends. One of my favorite cheerleaders showed up and brought her baby girl...too much fun. I have a pic I'll post of her mom , her and the baby!

So, I am standing on the deck just watching the night and enjoying a glass of vino when a nice young man taps me on the shoulder...I turn and he says Mrs. Fehrman (my old name...and I replied, I'm Julie Eickmeier now. And he says, you taught at Hazelwwood Central, right? Yes. and he said, (and this makes all the years I taught and all the incredible unteachable students I did have worth the effort), you were my favorite teacher and I want my wife to meet you.

Now, I had this young man when he was a sophomore in high school in 1986...and he remembered me...of all the teachers he had...he remembered me. Now this is not the first time this has has happened many time before but this time I asked why. Dan, why do you remember me...why was I your favorite...and he said
You made it important that I know what you knew and how much I could know if I would listen...

everything I ever did, everything I ever taught...was worth it TONIGHT. And God Bless you Dan!

1 comment:

Laura said...

How sweet that your student remembered you. That story made me cry.