Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Belated posting

There were suppose to be 3 pictures here
1. E and our new fire pit
2. E and our new fire pit view 2
3. last night's dinner which was a spinach, walnut, fresh fruit, tuna salad thingy that was pretty and yummy beyond compare

But, dear reader, you will just have to take my word for it because I somehow managed to not only sent the 3 photos into cyber space but deleted them from my camera disc at the same time...crap happens, right?

We hit the ground running today and got the rest of the lights up over the garage, unpacked 5 boxes of holiday lovelies and have the front porch half done for the holidays. See why we start so early?

I am working on a few things right now...but my fave is the 'floating frame' I am making for a wall in the house...all vintagy and holiday=ish. I'll let you know when I post it on my altered blog.

Love to all

1 comment:

Cathy, Let's Dance! said...

Boy you hav a jump on things. I usually do the inside on TG weekend but the outsde decor is limited as hubby does not like to advertise the years he is not at sea with a lack of house lights so we look like the family with a hannukah bush.