Saturday, November 22, 2008

It was a Big Biscuit kind of day Friday

(that is what Kip calls a day where good things happen)

1. Kristen got word she passed her National Teacher Certification boards! This means she doesn't have to redo any parts and that she gets her bonus check in January for all the hard work, stress and long hours she put into this! Congrats daughter mine!

2. E's lab work from his latest blood lettings and EKGs are showing a little bit of improvement. The heart doctor wants to keep him on the current regime of meds for a few months. If these do not work, we will talk Plans B and C neither of which are attractive but he is holding his own and showing a bit of improvement for now.

3. My altered ornaments were on Scrap Scene yesterday and I have an article coming out in the upcoming Scrapbooking. com e-zine and also one in the Nov/Dec. Scrapbook News and Review.

4. We're making great progress with our holiday decos and will more than likely ready to turn everything on TG night. So, if your lights dim or go out you will know for sure that the Griswalds are alive and living in Tarpon

5. Tues Kip and I are planning on cropping at Ruban Rouge...come visit us!

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

Great news for Kristen! and E!
Have fun with Kip at RR. Wish I could be there!