Friday, December 05, 2008

Ran out of steam

It has been a busy ten days and I've had such a good time creating things but yesterday I simple ran out of steam. I have these darling little mittens all cut out of the paper from the DEc. KnK kit and they keep staring at something with us! Do something with us!

Well, little mittens, Mama is on break!

Book Club was interesting as always. The house where this month's was held was on the water and the view was wonderful with all the lights from other houses reflecting and shimmering in the night. The conversation was stimulating and food was great. Can't wait for next month's meeting. Maybe I'll even get the book read this time.

It is happy hair cut day for me and just in time for the Second Annual Stocking Exchange which is to be here at my house. Jill arrives on Thurs and Barb and G-a come in to town on Friday, followed by the rest of the girls on Sat. Some will arrive at four when we head into Tarpon Springs for a Victorian Christmas and the rest at 6:30 when we feast and have the exchange. It will be so good to see everyone again!

Tomorrow E has his annual cookie bake off with Kristen and he and I are planning on heading to Craig Park for the lighted boat parade on Sat. night. And Rob is due over on Sunday...a packed weekend which is why I am on BREAK!

Hope your day is a good one.


altar ego said...

And a well deserved break it is! Still sounds like you have a lot on your plate this weekend. Enjoy your "day off," I'm confident the mittens can manage a day on their own.
Love and miss you!

:Jayne said...

Breathe in, Breathe out, you make me tired just listening to all your activity!
Wish I could be there, miss ya!