Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Time in Paradise

One of the things I love about our balmy weather here in Florida is the fact that we can have blooming flowers almost all year round. For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you know how much work we have been putting into our garden. When we moved into this house, there was a boxed tree to the right of the pool, nothing but weeds and eroding soil to the left and shell down below. There was a small circular patio but absolutely no color whatsoever but white (crushed shell) and green (more crab than grass).

We lost some plants to the freezes we had this past winter but we are recouping our losses. Our plants that lived are blooming and many of our favorites like the Cat's Whiskers and the ground orchid made it through. They will soon be joined by close to 100 new plants, some of which we have no idea where to plant them...we got a bit carried away. Soon my seat will have a mock orange growing behind it and our pathway down to the gate will be lined on the right side with a short rose hedge backed by tall roses along the fence. And more and more...


AND BE SURE TO CHECK OUT SCRAP SCENE today: KnK club is doing a give away. This is one you don't want to miss...a free kit to 3 different winners.


Kip said...

scrap smack??

JulesinParadise said...

How funny...thanks for catching that for me Kipper! lol

Zora said...

Your yard/garden is gorgeous!! Especially love your sitting area. The white flower in the bottom picture? Is that a bird of paradise? We used to have orange ones in my yard when I was kid in CA......... Zora