Monday, March 08, 2010

and the word for March is SATED

which pretty much describes my life right now. The word has many meanings but these are the ones I choose to organize my photos around for this month: "in a state of complete satisfaction, gratified completely, provided with more than enough" .

While E and I sat enjoying the afternoon weather out at Miss Vickie's today, we got talking about how blessed we really are and how full our cup of life is. While there are health issues for both of us, they are nothing we can not manage; while we are not rich or famous, we are comfortable and content with who we are; while we are not getting any younger, we are loving living in the moment more and more and spending those wonderful moments with our family and our friends. In other words, we are sated.

So many good things are happening to both of us and, in addition to being blessed by the twins arrival in June, we are also going to have Pam B for a visit in April and....(drum roll please) our darling Clare is returning to spend a couple of weeks with us in January (and yes! we'll be traveling back and forth to visit with Janet on Anna Maria and vice versa). Janet and I have eight months to come up with some mischief for us and some day trips too. I want to show Clare Sanibel and Captiva and Cedar Key and to take her to the Friday Night Crops with Janet too at Ruban Rouge. She wants to see Whims again and we'll keep an eye out for a concert or two as well.

So, the word for March is SATED. What is your word?


Amy said...

Great word Jules. :)

madcow said...

My word is EXCITED!!! Can't wait! Of course we must remember to set aside some time to watch my favourite programme Hoarders! (Can't believe they don't show it here .... yet).

altar ego said...

I have no word for March--its days are lions and lambs and things in between. Glad you got your closet purged (later post).