Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oprah's Tenth Anniversary Issue

I got this magazine in the mail a couple of days ago and have been reading one article after another, in the doctor's office, at stop lights, on the lanai with coffee...I have been a subscriber for a year and just didn't renew. I found I was donating them to our library half read. But this one! Oh my! It is chocked full of great recipes (clipped them and gave them to E, of course), sage advise and some great book picks.

My two favorite articles were short ones. The first was by Martha Beck and was entitled, "10 Rules I've Unlearned". Two of the ones I liked the best and will hope to unlearn are: "Problems are bad" and "Success is the opposite of failure". And the other article was by Dr. Oz and was entitled "10 Things I Know for Sure" My picks among his ten were "Change is possible-but only if you believe it" and "It's not about living longer-it's about living better".

Which brings me to another point made in an article called "Failure is the only Option". The author, Elizabeth Gilbert says the key to a well lived life is to "screw up (often and boldly), learn from your mistakes, repeat". I really like that!
One of my favorite rubber stamps says, "Do foolish things and do them with enthusiasm"

Because of the long and strong history of cancer in my family on both sides, I don't know how long or when or if I'll be next. I don't sit and dwell on this but it is a presence in my life. And for that matter, none of us really know about tomorrow. I think what these authors are saying is LIVE! Do it with gusto and verve and to the best of one's ability. This has been a good day for a multitude of reasons and the articles I read over the past couple of days are a good reminder to me to make each day a good one.

Off to renew my subscription to O!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Great comments on the articles. LIVE...that is my motto. Make the best of what is offered and enjoy the process.

Thanks for the reminder! Take care!