Tuesday, May 04, 2010

La Vita Bella (life is beautiful)

It has been brought to my attention that I did not give my word of the month last month. I have been posting a word each month and then take my pictures for my version of the Project 365 for that word. I did have one last month and it was REJUVENATION: to restore life to. Our Spring here in Paradise was late coming and we had thought we had lost tons of plants to the two freezes we had last winter. BUT, plant after plant spent last month rejuvenating. E and I did a bit of this ourselves...coming back to life after a long, cold winter.

This month's word is GRATITUDE: being thankful or indebted to or expressing thanks to. And we have so much to be grateful for.

Generosity on the part of our friends (Janet Miller got these darling and oh so soft toys for the Twins)and many others continue to hold us in prayer and good thoughts

We are grateful for the continuing good health and pregnancy of Little Mama (week 32!)

.And we are grateful for the lovely flowers that bloom for us daily!

We are grateful for fresh veggies coming into our farmer's markets here (I cooked this meal for E and I with minimal assistance from the resident chef!).

and for my new camera! (so I can take more and more pictures of things for which I am grateful).

Plus lots and lots more, of course!

So, La Vita Bella...for what are you grateful?


altar ego said...

I'm grateful for YOU!! And for the fact that E shares recipes. Would he be willing to send along his smoothie recipe? I know this should be an easy thing, but every recipe I look at differs from the next, paralyzing me! I have strawberries, I want smoothies!

Love you!

altar ego said...

PS: www.reverentirreverence.blogspot.com