Thursday, June 03, 2010

Thurs in Paradise

Off and running today, meeting up with Jackie and Diane for lunch and then some girl shopping at TJ Maxx, Home Goods etc. I need to clean this room after my whirlwind scrapping of the Kitty donation album which went winging its way to Sebring yesterday afternoon and to the Cause for Paws fund raiser crop.

Tomorrow I am off to help Little Mama with the second grade field day and to start assembling the pages for the scrapbook I do with her kids every end of the school year. There will be a couple of moms there too but I need to remember to stop by Paneras and pick up something healthy for lunch for both of us. She saw the doctor yesterday and had a bit of a scare as the babies' heart beat were identical. Turns out one boy is facing front and the other back and their heart beats were echoing. All is well and we are getting closer and closer by the day. Less than 2 weeks now.

Book Club will be good to see everyone again.

Hope everyone has a great day!

1 comment:

altar ego said...

Sounds like a fab day, Jules. Enjoy every moment!