Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Queen for a Day (or a tad more)

A friend of mine, Linda, the owner of Hilltop Memories, recently had a Random Thoughts post on her blog and this is my take off on hers (hope you don't mind, dear Linda).

1. I'd pass an edict (Queens can do that you know!) that all politicians running for any office in the U.S. be limited to 50,000$ to advertise on tv, radio, billboards, fliers etc. For every dollar over that amount, they would have to match it and give half to the school district in which they were registered (many live elsewhere...too funny that) and half to a homeless shelter or LEGIT charity. This would cut down on the sleezy, she done it, he done it, they said ads I am willing to bet and if not, at least someone would get something positive out of every election.

2. This new drive to IMPROVE education: yes! we need well educated, responsible teachers but what do we expect when (often) the custodians in the buildings make more than those to whom we are entrusting our children. And when I taught, our custodians were worth every DOLLAR they were paid because they were the best!

And furthermore, (you honestly didn't think I was going to stop there now did you?...and old retired teacher? lol): E and I have followed the segments on the nightly news about how to improve this nations educational system by making teachers more accountable, raising student standards, providing more intensive study programs etc. but I think we are forgetting one of the most important ingredients which had not been addressed in the nightly news...parents.

It is pretty darn hard to hold a teacher responsible for a child's learning when the parent is not enforcing the need to a) be accountable b)to experience the consequences of one's actions and c) turn off the cell phones, tv, internet and STUDY! So, as QUEEN, before I link teacher pay to student achievement, I will link it also to parental involvement and support. Parents who do not provide the proper educational encouraging for their children will pay the teachers to raise them.

3) And as Queen, I shall put a temp freeze on house foreclosures and war anywhere. So, people, listen up and act quickly...resolve these problems because if the Queen isn't happy, no one is.

4) oh, and there is NO excuse for any elderly person or small child to go without proper nourishment and health care...we are suppose to be a humane country! and I honestly don't care how we do it. As NIKE says, Just Do It!

and now back to being the average retired teacher person I am in real life. But I sure feel better getting that off my chest.

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