Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tired to the bone but in a good way

Our sweet Landon had a rough night last night.  His coughing kept him (and his folks) awake most of the night.  All he wanted to do this morning was sit on Nana's lap and have his back rubbed.  Unfortunately, Nana had 2 other lambs to wake and, thank heavens for Papa, we got it done.  We dropped Leighton and Colvin off at school and headed home for a much needed freshen up (Landon, not us). 

Our next stop was the grocery store where Papa announced that we cost him about ten more than he usually spends but a tired and not feeling too well little guy is worth it...sugar free pudding, pickles (he loves them), Gold Fish and some cheese.  And NO, we did not feed them all to him at one time...hold the pudding, gold fish and pickles.

We stopped by to watch the gators and get Landon some oj at Loggerheadz and then headed home for lunch.  He now believes the old fishing boat in the tall tree was put there by Ms Susie, our friend who runs the Tiki Bar, by magic.  I love seeing things through my grandchildren's eyes.

And right after lunch, the little guy asked to be rocked like I use to.  His legs were hanging down half way to the floor, his head was heavy on me and his breathing was heavenly.  And off to la la land he went for almost 3.5 hours.  The little man needed his sleep

E picked up his sibs and we headed them home.  Meanwhile, we are two tired grandparents...

My daughter and my son lost their last grandparent recently.  Kristen is trying to work out a way to get to her paternal grandfather's funeral.  Good prayers are appreciated as the kids try to work this out.  They will have a good friend house sitting for them but it is a long journey with 3 kids.  My son can not make the trip so please hold them both in your good thoughts. 

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