Wednesday, May 01, 2013

If it is Wed., we must be doing Limo service

We are entering our finals weeks of Nana/Papa limo service for all 3 of the Grands.  Next year, the Twins will go to their Mama's school for a 3 year old program and Papa E and I will have only Leighton Kaye, 3 days a week before and after school.  In some ways, we are looking forward to this. Papa E gets some afternoons off (and mornings when it is light enough) and we get to spend some one on one time with our Grand daughter.  The minus is we won't have the 4x a week daily contact with our boys that we have had this past year. 

We've been thinking it is time for sleep at a time, of course...and sometimes maybe both the boys.  We're buying them the same cots they sleep on at their school now for naps and hopefully these will work.  They are pushing the Pack n Plays head and foot. 

Here are some shots from today...

And with these three wonders in our lives, who knows what joys tomorrow will bring.

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