Sunday, May 05, 2013

Happy Cinco de Mayo

 Friday, we met a new couple at Tarpon Tavern for some liquid refreshments, good conversation and dinner.  Nice people and we always love meeting new friends.  This is a friendly town we live in.

Spent yesterday with some of the Women Who Do Lunch bunch cropping the day away here for National Scrapbook Day.  We mostly did the challenges at but I had a few sketch challenges for us too from various sites.  I got a total of 3 layouts done which is pretty good for me.  They are on my altered blog .

E cooked us wonderful goodies for lunch and dessert and we had fruit and veggies for snacking in between.

Busy week ahead:  Mon. is my dentist apt. for check up and to determine what we are going to do about a "food trap" between two teeth.  I also need to return my library books before I find myself paying for an employees salary for the month. Tues. I need to work on my next article for Tarpon Springs Life magazine and start one of my projects for Gecko Galz.  I am also meeting my son in law and the Grands for Music with Mar.  Wed. is Limo day with the Grands and cropping with the Women Who Do Lunch bunch at Posh Scraps. Thurs is Limo day along with a library board meeting at 4 and Book Club at 7.  Fri. is Limo Day and happy hour maybe after the kids mama gets home.
And Sat we're headed to a bbq at friends' home.

Hope your week is a good one!

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