Hopefully I can post the rest of the Christmas Day pictures here. Let's give it a shot.
Our friends from St. Louis, Steve and DeeDee, arrived on New Year's Eve and we headed to a new Italian place in town for dinner. Then it was back home to cheer in the New Year. They were scheduled to leave on the 5th. but, due to the winter blast up north, all flights to St. L were cancelled til tomorrow. They did get to experience the Epiphany celebration here and the Glendi that followed.
It is a brisk 40 something here as we get some of the filtered down cold. It is suppose to be back in the 80s by the weekend.
Busy week here. Chris started back to school yesterday and we have Leighton from ten -three now. Tues, today, is our day off then we are back to our Wed.-Fri. schedule with little missy to before and after school. Some of us are cropping tomorrow and I have Book Club tomorrow evening.
We almost have Christmas down and have just the tree, the village and the swags in our room and the living room to go. Jo and Bill are joining us for dinner tonight and, while the men make limoncello and cook dinner, the gals are helping me take down the big tree. We bought a new one for next year and can't wait to pick it up...we got the same height (7.5ft.) but this one is a bit more narrow and is 'frosted'.
I am going to tear this work room of mine apart this weekend and do a complete reorganization. It is driving me crazy. Might just have to schedule a big craft sale in my drive way to clear out some of the things I no longer use. Anything that does not cell will be donated to the retirement home not far from here and Hospice.
That is my one and only New Year's resolution. Hope your new year is going well.