Sunday, October 26, 2014

24 hours with our grandson, Landon.

It was Landon's turn for a sleep over and this was the best weekend.  We picked him up at his house around one pm yesterday and headed back to our house.  It was still a bit early for nap time and he had already had lunch so out came the card table, rugs, blankets and a sheet and voila...not just any fort but the VERY BEST fort.

The fort grew and grew and stayed up til right before nap time today.
After a nice nap (for all of us), Papa started dinner and started a fire in our fire pit.  After we ate and cleaned up, we headed down to the outdoor living room with graham crackers, Hershey's chocolate and marshmallows.   Nana also brought a few color cones for the fire.  The kids are pretty restricted on their sugar intake and rightfully so but what happens at Nana and Papa's stays at Nana and Papa's.

As you can tell, he just hated the S'  Then it was a walk around the block to look at H'ween deorations, bath and bed.  We have little cots like the boys sleep on for nap time at school.  We set one up in front of the door in our bedroom that leads to the lanai.  Landon heard what he said was an owl, got scared and climbed in bed with us roughly around eleven.  By two, E deserted the ship and slept in the guest room.  Landon is not a peaceful

I woke up this morning to a sweet kiss from our little guy and then it was on to breakfast.  Papa and Landon fixed Papa's grandmother's pancakes (like crepes) and bacon.  Yum.  Landon told us when he grows up he wants to build houses and cook in them.  Excellent aspirations I say!

After wiping the syrup and jam off Landon, we got dressed and he and I headed to Spring Bayou to pay tribute to our lovely Mermaid and take a walk through Craig Park and around the bayou.
 We brought the Mermaid roses from my garden and Landon gave her a mix of berries and nuts.

 Swinging on one of the branches of a live oak.
We put the top down on my car and cruised through the Sponge Docks hunting for a new ice cream place and boy! did we find one.
Now that is an ice cream cone! Landon had told me he wanted purple ice cream this time (getting ice cream with Nana is a set tradition with both of the twins) and the closest we could find was black cherry.  He did admit that the birthday cake ice cream was better.

After cleaning up from the ice cream, we walked through the Arts and Crafts Fair held on the Sponge Docks this weekend.  The students in the culinary program at Tarpon Springs High School had a booth and were passing out samples.  Landon gave them an A+ on the quinoa and mango dish.
 A sidewalk vendor made Landon a "gold" sword and then it was home, lunch and nap time til Mama came to pick him up.

Another fun time with one of the twins.  Colvin's turn next and we'll be crossing off some of the items on his To Do at Nana and Papa's list posted on the fridge.  I am guessing that 5:32 pm is a trifle too early for ol' Nana to hit the sack so I'll try my best to stay awake a bit longer.


Monday, October 20, 2014

A day with the Grands

And what a day it was...we were busy, busy, busy from ten am til just a bit ago.  We were playing on the lanai when Landon said, "Can we talk about tents?"...ummm, sure.  What about them...let's build one so we did.  And it was the biggest, bestest tent ever!!!
Our little chef/engineer added an out door kitchen and a carpeted patio.  Leighton and Colvin decorated the interior.

 We headed up to the Splash Park around 11:00 and played til after noon.  It must have been Grandparents Day because there were sure a lot of us "older" folks hanging out with our Grand

And, before we headed for naps, one pose with the dancing Ghosties.
By popular demand, lunch was hot dogs, apple sauce and green beans (and when they ate all their green beans, they also got 5 potato chips) .  Nana settled Landon and Colvin into the big bed in the guest room and Papa sat with Leighton in the work room while she fell asleep.  Colvin woke up first so he and I did a tour of the neighborhood with him on one of the boys' new two wheeler (with training wheels) bikes.  Mama came just in the nick of time and swept our Grands off to the park for a romp before taking them home sweet home.  
Every time I think E and I are getting too old to care for these 3 treasures, the kids prove to us that we are only as old as we choose to be and today we were very young at heart.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

ziggy zaggy ziggy zaggy oi oi oi

Yesterday, we celebrated the Second Annual October Fest here in Tarpon Springs.  E, our friend, Bob DeLay and I worked the beer and wine table for a couple of hours and then were joined by friends for lunch and more beer, of course.  E and I ended up taking home some excellent smoked chicken for our dinner.  We had a great time as usual...many thanks, Dan Jenkin (owner of Tarpon Tavern).

 A busy week ahead for us.  The kids' teachers all have a work day tomorrow so we're having them all over for the day.  Thinking the Splash Park might be a good idea!  Tues I have my every four months  blood work and the eye check up for my new contacts.  Wed. we are back on schedule as Leighton's Limo Service and on Friday I have 2 CT scans plus my food or drink til those are done and from midnight Thurs...I'll probably be ready to eat the upholstery in the car by the time that all is done. 
Have a great week.