Saturday, April 29, 2006

Happy Sat. from under the Palms

We had a major miscommunication with our friends and they are actually coming next weekend. Now I have today and tomorrow to play in my workroom (and I have no idea why this is printing with underlines!)

I spent most of yesterday working on a Hinged Five Generations Panels project inspired by a slide mount frame I saw in the book, Transparency Art by Denise Lombardocci. I close the book real fast so I wouldn't do a copy of hers, ran to the stamp store for some slide mounts (the largest I could find) and started to play.

I came up with a mix of color washes, inks and dyes to attain the look I wanted for the slide mounts and then ran the transparencies off the pictures, putting more and more color into the pictures as they progressed from my great grandmother on to my daughter's picture. I used hinges to echo the connections from one generation to the next.

I love the result but am not finished thinking of putting names and dates of birth/death on each. Will post a picture tomorrow.

Have a great Sat. all.

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