Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"What I did on my Summer Vacation"

These are just a few of the pages from the 8x8 album class I am teaching at the MS Crop here in the Tampa area this weekend. The album has 2 Deco Boardz by Junitz as the covers and uses the Crate Paper Zoom line.

This album is great for kids as a memory keeper for the family vacation or also for adults with a sense of humor who remember the dreaded back-to-school essay, "What I did on my Summer Vacation". I promise, this project is far more fun! If you are interested in a kit should I have any left after this coming weekend, please e-mail me at

And Lauderdale Gals, I've got yours put to one side!

This is a Hang Ten Paper Arts project!

1 comment:

Liz said...

awesome as always