Friday, November 09, 2007

Going AWOL part I

I am having to post this day in two different sections due to the fact I can only post 5 pics at a time and the lunch I had deserves a whole thread all to itself!
So, here is Part I of my day.

I met Sandy up at Panera's Bread Factory and we took off from there. We had discussed going breaking out of our routines, our "have to dos" and leaving it all behind.

We had discussed what we wanted to do on our AWOL day and decided on a nice walk and lunch out. Sandy suggested Phillipe Park (I am probably spelling it wrong but north Pinellas County people know what I mean). E and my kids had taken us here once before and all I recalled was the Indian Mound. We parked on the edge of town near the park and walked for about an hour and a half or more. Time went so fast! The walking path scoots along the inlet and the air was fresh and tangy with salt from the Bay. We walked under canopies of live oaks festooned with Spanish moss and through wooded glades. We climbed the steps up the mound and roamed along the shore.

And, as if this were not enough, we then went to lunch. See part II (scroll down) you won't want to miss this one!

(I'll be gone starting Sat. a.m. through late Sunday. The Kipster and I are taking a road trip to see our friends, Barb and Gerri-anne in Ft. Myers and to hit as many stamp and scrap stores as we can! I'll report in complete with all the incriminating I return. Now who is going to keep bail money at hand? )


Chris said...

omg these are gorgeous pictures~

Janet M said...

Wow, Jules the pictures of the park are beautiful. Lunch looks wonderful also.
Have fun with Kip today, it sounds like there will be some good stories coming up anytime you two get together.

Liz said...

Beautiful photographs