Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Great day in Paradise

It is balmy and the sun is out. Our night blooming jasmine wafted in our bedroom window all night and wow...thanks Jill. We are loving this! I behaved myself yesterday and stayed off my sore foot. Can't tell exactly but it looks less swollen and I'll do a repeat of yesterday today. No big errands that have to be run besides a trip to the bank to make a deposit.

E and the accountant finished with our taxes and now all we have to do is wait. We are getting something back this year, for a change! We've been trying to decide what to do with the amount that will be left after our deposit into our Europe fund and the deposit into savings and will probably pay off a couple of bills with the rest and do some more work down in the lower lawn.

E took down most of the fig tree that stood at the end of our front porch. He plans on extending the porch to the end of the pillars and then putting in my white fence across the front and one side. I hate the bushes in front of the porch...always afraid something creepy crawly is hiding there. The fences I've seen on similar houses look so clean and neat and pretty.

This week's challenge at Quietfire (see link ) is another good one. I had such fun with last week's with Glimmer Mist that I can't wait to get started on this one! I posted last week's on my 'art'blog.

G-a has the black boards for sale in her store from Cosmo do not walk to order these. They have been the talk of the town for eons so order them now (before I buy them all up)! and wait til you see what she has coming in from Page Frames and Sunday International...oooh la la. (


Kip said...

I wish you'd go to the Dr's for that looks bad!

Pam in Moncton said...

Oh Jules! I hope your foot gets better soon! You won't be able to fit in your pretty shoes with your foot all swollen and bruised.