Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Counting the days until

Hoe Down Crop in Bonita Springs, Florida. KnKclub.com, in conjunction with Scrapbooks Etc. Scrap Store in Bonita Springs, is hosting the first ever Hoe Down Crop. The guest of honor is our beloved leader from Hilltop Memories and Traveling Crops and you can bet she'll be given the royal treatment as Cow Girl of the Crop! There are 3 classes being offered: Gerri-anne (owner of knk) is teaching an amazing class with a mini album, Grungeboard, tons of goodies and the whole thing is so awesome. Janet is our card cow girl and will help us create some super cards with Colleen's class a sweet ending to the whole she-bang with a double page layout!

So, get along little doggies and if you don't live in Florida, watch this site of pictures during the weekend. Your roving reporter will be ever vigilant is snapping shots of those you know and love. Wish you all could come as a good time will be had by all!

I need to scrap. I have to put the finishing touches on my tech column for KnKclub. com: Enhancing Transparency Overlays. This has been a fun tech with which to work.

Oh, and I have a little announcement on my altered art blog...

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