Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Sat and only 31 more days until

Christmas Eve...will we or will we not be ready? That is the question. We still have to put up the big tree and my retro one here in the work room and fine tune some things all by Thanksgiving evening when we turn on the lights and bask in the glow. Since it is just Rob, Gene and I for that holiday next Thurs, I am hoping that after we eat, I can lure the guys away from football and down to the lower lawn for a bit of time in front of the fire pit...thinking my chances a bit below 50%...any takers on that bet?


altar ego said...

That's what half time is for! (We won't talk about the fact that other games will likely be playing on other channels--Lord, do you know how many games were on today? I had to choose between the Gators and Yale!). Hope you are able to achieve holiday bliss without too much extenuating effort.

And speaking of Rob, any luck with the computer and burning CD's?

And speaking of hot mama's glove box, what color cozy would appeal to her?

Amy said...

good luck with the luring the men away from football thing. LOL fire-pit on the lower lawn sounds fun to me!!! :)