Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The word for February is BLISS

While I was very attracted to the idea of the 365 photos one per day and journaling to record the daily events in my life and intrigued by the new Project Life, I know myself well enough to know that I would last less than a month doing this type of project. I have devised a version that works for me. Each month I am going to select a word that calls to me and, during that month, take pictures and record those thing that illustrate that word. January's word was EXHILARATION (the state of being joyous, glad, cheerful or enlivened).

This month I have chosen BLISS: n. the highest degree of happiness; blessedness; the perfect joy of heaven.

Because we are only 3 days into this month, while I have had moments of bliss, unfortunately, I did not have my camera handy. So, hopefully these few pics can show what evokes bliss for me. These will not be in my album as that is only for 2010 and I believe a couple were taken by my friend, Clare.

and so, the word for Feb. is Bliss...what is your word?

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