Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Lots of fun news and updates today

Yesterday was a red letter day for me. 1. My layout, one by my talented friend, Pam Bennett and that of several other talented members of ACOT's dt were featured on Becky Fleck's Pagemaps blog and will be in her March newsletter. http://www.pagemaps.com/index.htm

Here is mine with the sketch.

2. My reveal went up at ACOT yesterday. I had such fun with the Scribble Scrabble's Nana's Trunk line that I used also on the Becky Fleck Page Maps layout of our twin grandsons.

(The photography in the "Down by the Sea" layout is done by our friend, Chuck Adams, whose eye for the camera often leaves me breathless).

3. It was announced yesterday on the Gingersnaps Creations blog that I am the Visiting Artist for the month of March. The challenges there are such fun and the women are so friendly and welcoming.


There is an amazing yahoo group formed from this blog where the art will inspire and amaze anyone who stamps, inks or alters! Check it out. Gingersnaps is having a huge give away to celebrate their one year anniversary and wait until you see all the goodies they are going to give out to some lucky gal.

My first project goes onto the blog tomorrow and I'll repost it with a link on my altered blog so come on by and take a look.


It is pouring rain and thundering here today so not sure if I am going to venture out of the house this morning despite the fact it is Weight Watchers' check in this morning. I did promise Kristen I would come up to her school this afternoon though to help her with the little second graders and their writing again but I may just stay warm and dry inside until that time

Hope you all have a great day!


Janet M said...

Wow Jules congratulations, your talent is just all over the place. I loved the challenges on the crop that you did for ACOT this last weekend. My page maps challenge is going up on Two Peas later and I'm featuring the sketches you and Pam both did. :)

altar ego said...

Congrats on all the fun, good stuff! Tipping my hat, bowing low, and genuflecting (all at once, and that's not easy!). Proud of you and happy for you.

Liz said...

Wow jules congrats...

Unknown said...

Can you believe St. Pat's is almost here again??? Love your layouts! Gorgeous as usual!!! It's just plain cold here in Savannah.

Roz said...

wow---you are one busy chick!!! Congrats and good luck.