Friday, August 02, 2013

Last full day in Paradise...

We had the most glorious last night with Bill and Jo.  Not only was it their anniversary (32 years) but also we all got to see not a gorgeous rainbow but a double !

The second one was to the left of the big one an was not as bright but combined so lovely.  We stayed out until the rainbows faded and the sun went down.

 Rainbow's end over Bonita Springs.

We are pretty much packed so that we can have a leisurely morning tomorrow, take our morning walk, shower and then have our traditional last morning breakfast at Reece's across the street.  We have been going there for years and years. 

We are meeting friends tonight an then back for a walk on the beach and then to toast to the sunset.
We have a busy week when we get home with two days of Grands while K takes a two day workshop, unpacking and then all the begging we have to do to get our cats to once again forgive us for leaving them (they secretly love having Tom take care of them but feel the need to preserve their "finicky" reputation).

Hope your week end is a delight.

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