If you were not at the Sock Hop Crop in Bonita Springs, Florida, you should have been. Gerri-anne, Sonia,Barb and Jim assisted by the gals from Scrapbooks Etc in Bonita did a fantastic job. Bravo. With a special shout out to 'Hollywood' Jim for the pink Cadillac rear end complete with KnK Club plate, he designed and executed for the food serving and the soda glass...oh my!
And then there was my pal Barb! What a great Lucy she made. I was her dresser for this star performance! and I almost wet my pants laughing helping to get her ready. Then, on the way back to the crop, our first encounter was with two men getting on the elevator as we were getting off. As we drove off out of the hotel parking lot, they were still standing in front of the elevator laughing. Perhaps it was because I told them Barb was on a weekend pass and I was taking her back to the home! lol
And then there was the looooooooooong red light we hit and, as I slid lower and lower into my seat, Barb said, " Those people are gawking at me" as if I should be surprised. Oh my dear friend, the fun we have had together! Let there be years more!
And Linda and I had flash back moments about Captain Tracy!
The crop was far too much fun. And I got far too little done as usual. The Smoochie Girls Society was well represented and we had to have kissy kissy time all around.
After the clean up, a bunch of us crashed at Barb's. PARTY TIME!. We stopped off first for a wonder dinner at our now regular apres crop restaurant, The Fish House, on Bonita Beach Road. Amazing food, great company and sucky Lemon Drops (so say Kip and Jayne)When we got back to Barbs, we played "left, right, center", which has been renamed QUARTERS and I only won once...as Kip would say, "this is dumb _______game (fill in the blank)!". Everyone should have friends like these!
This morning, Jayne, Susie, Jill, Kip, Barb and I all planned our senior years. Actually, all of us but Jayne are AARP card carrying members. We have decided we need younger recruits as Gerri-anne and Jayne are going to some day tire of wiping the spittle off our chins and driving the Senior Bus (as Jack Flash called it). We have envisioned an old fashioned motel (the kind with the cabins and a central lobby), but have added a few updates for our 'home'...such as pool, sauna and hot cabana boys. Sound good so far. We are aware we will have to hone our paper tearing skills as the young 'uns will probably take away any sharp objects at that point.
We are currently taking applications...anyone?
Love to all, Jules