I have been in panic mode for a bit here as I can't seem to find uninterrupted time to get all the classes/kits designed lately. Companies not sending product in a timely manner also adds to the stress.
Yesterday, things started coming together finally. I am about 3/4 done with the prototype for the Expo class in Tampa and am loving it more and more. Friends helped me find a site for the charms I need to give this album the perfect touch and throwing in some new product by Cut-It-Up will put this class kit over the edge. I do love bling! I'll post this album when the date gets closer. This is the first time Hang Ten Paper Arts will be offering a class at an Expo.
I have the classes for Stamping Memories in Cooper City,Florida, almost ready to go. I picked up the last of the knobs for the embellishment towers yesterday and more of the ribbon I need for the Tropical Coasters mini album class. I am really looking forward to the trip as I'll get to see my pal, Reggie, who connected Josie (the owner) and myself plus I get to hang out with the Hilltop gal, Lauri who has so kindly offered to put me up for the night! Thanks to you both and Josie (www.stampingmemories.com)
I don't have to do much for the classes in St. Louis at the CK Convention. Kim Hodges, owner of the booth, ScrapbooksNStickers (www.scrapbooksnstickers.com) has the kits and class under control and I teach, work the booth a bit, play and fly back home.
May brings the cruise to the Bahamas with the Hilltop Memories gals. I'll be teaching a Drink of the Day mini album on the cruise and having fun with my pals....and some people call this work? lol
I have April for the Hang Ten Paper Arts kit and June. Thanks to the wonderful Tasha Anderson at Rusty Pickle, my 8 inch chipboard coasters are winging their way to me tomorrow! I have a couple of hours scheduled for work on this kit later today. June is also my month with Di taking May in between. I love Di's kits and the classes she has coming up at Hilltop Memories crops are awesome! I'm using the Decor boards by Junkitz for the June kit and some of the coolest paper!
I am also working on a fun technique for my column at Deb's on-line store, The Little Scrap Box (www.littlescrapbox.com) and some more layouts for Kim's booth. I love the 13x13 plastic hinged containers that Lisa, the owner of Ruban Rouge turned me on to. All the work I have in progress is each in it's own wonderful container, safe and sound.
Sometime, in between all this fun, I need to find time to pack. We close on April 30 and sure hope we have a home by then. We're back up to Tampa area on this coming Thursday to see the two homes again and make a bid on one. Cross your fingers for us, please!
I promise some teaser pics of upcoming projects, kits and classes soon!