When my friend, the Kipster, first visited us in our new home here in Tarpon Springs, she announced to one and all that the guest room is hers! Now this has become a huge joke as she has yet to sleep in "her" room here though she has spent the night several times since we have moved in. Janet beat her to the first night's claim when she spent the night here before leaving to rejoin her honey and family in Pennsylvania early in our move. Then came Jayne who flew in for the Girls' Weekend and a convention she was attending in St. Pete and then my niece, her husband and daughter stayed in "Kip's Room". My business partner, Di, was the next to enjoy the room while Kip slept on the couch, AGAIN! lol
But, this has all changed. Kip has finally slept (and is still sleeping) in her room! And here she is from last night ready to head in...she made a bling-y sign that proudly proclaims "KIP'S f---ing ROOM" That is our Kipper!
The crop was fun and I really enjoyed the Kip N Kaboodle class. Lots of pretty papers and we received enough product to do several layouts. My class is tonight and the enrollment has risen (thank heavens). I set up a display for Hang Ten with several of our past kits complete with grass edging and our Hang Ten Surf board pillow...fun! I'll take a pic today.
I entered a silent auction for a Graphics with BlueTooth and the bids are up to 55.00. There is only one other person bidding for it and I think he works or is staying in the hotel but I have staying power and will hover over the bid card on Sunday before the final bell. I have been drooling over this device since I first saw it advertised in a scrap mag.
Barb and I stayed up until almost 3 am last night visiting and correcting the wrongs of the world (lol). This is unheard of for me and I may be dragging a bit later on . Both Barb and Kip are still abed and E has taken off with a full van to sell at the kid's garage sale.
Have a great day all!